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Using URL Parameters

Billy Dowell Updated by Billy Dowell

Prefill Fields with Custom Attributes

Great Question supports filling survey answers and candidate attributes via URL when sharing out invites to studies.

Save your candidates time when completing a survey or provide a mechanism for passing profile data through from other platforms (such as bulk sending from email marketing platforms). If you are sending a bulk email from your own email marketing system, for example, you can now construct URLs that will prefill name, email, and other custom fields within GQ.

How do I use the URL parameters?

Attributes via URL parameters are supported for all studies. They can be appended to the landing page (e.g. and directly to the study URL (e.g.

Prefilled parameters only work for the Invite via link option for studies. Any candidate directly invited to a survey or screener via email will not have any attributes prefilled except for their name and email. 

What parameters are supported?

By default, all forms can be prefilled with name and email.

Additionally, any survey fields that are mapped to a custom attribute can be prefilled by using the key for that attribute.

Populating Survey Questions

First, any survey answers to be populated must be mapped to a custom attribute. Custom attributes can be set when editing the survey, at the bottom left of the form field.

  • For example, if you are asking “What payment plan are you on?” you can map this field to a ‘plan’ attribute, allowing that value to be prefilled.
Example question

Populating Custom Attributes

To enable custom profile attributes that you want passed through the URL and stored on the candidate:

  1. Go to Account > Candidate Attributes
  2. Select the attribute you want to populate
  3. Click edit
  4. Check Can be set via a url parameter on study invite links (?question=something)
  5. Click Save
Edit attribute

How do I add the parameters to the URL?

Once you have set up the attribute to be populated (either by mapping a survey field or setting it on the custom attribute), you can now use that attribute key to construct your URLs. We accept standard URL encoding of parameters as part, and they should be included as a query string. 

Question example
For populating profile attributes, this will happen automatically when the candidate signs up for the study. 

What other hidden fields are supported?

For the purpose of tracking the source of your candidates, we also support a hidden referrer parameter that will be stored as a hidden response to the survey and visible on your study for each candidate.

  • Add ?referrer=value to the end of your URL in order to store where your participants joined from:
    • Your URL would look something like this: https://greatquestion/workspace/some-study?referrer=facebook
  • The referrer field does not need to be used for tracking. You can use your own custom attribute, such as origin, and apply it the same way.
    • Your URL would look something like this: https://greatquestion/workspace/some-study?origin=facebook

Have Questions?

Please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected]!

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